About Us
MB Platformina is a young (established in the beginning of 2021) startup (SME) of Vilnius University (member of INSTRUCT-ERIC, EMBL, EMBC/EMBO)
and FTMC (Center for Physical Sciences and Technology) .
Our Mission: to provide industry and academia with versatile platforms for biomolecule interaction studies.
Our Plan: to employ cost-efficient and easy-to-use tools and find such solutions that allow us to deliver the best technology to labs.
Our Vision: to open doors for the most efficient and reliable experiments and groundbreaking biological discoveries by clearing your concerns about the proper tools and technology.
EU and National Projects
The list of EU and National projects that we have already successfully finished or are executing currently.
RNA Curtains platform prototype fabrication
2021-2023. “Inostart” project, project no: 01.2.1-MITA-T-852
Solutions for DNA Curtains platform stability optimization
2021-2022. “Inočekis” project. project no: 01.2.1-MITA-T-851.
Platformina is a partner of this project, which is funded under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), find more on Florin project.
Technology and Our Offer
We provide platforms for DNA-protein interaction studies and fluorescence microscopy solutions also we can help with custom platform or micrsocopy system design.
Technology of our Soft DNA Curtains Platform is based on publication1
and publication2 from Vilniaus Univeristy and FTMC researchers.
Our single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy hardware and software solutions are based on publication3 from Vilniaus Univeristy and FTMC researchers
Platformina is offering:
Studies of fluorescently labelled proteins using Soft DNA Curtains.
Fabrication of modified coverslips for printing of the sAv or tAv line-features.
Fabrication of modified coverslips with printed sAv or tAv line-features.
Ready-to-use flowcells with the printed sAv or tAv line features.
Inks for protein micro-cntact printing: sAv or tAv proteins.
PDMS elastomer stamps for protein micro-cntact printing.
Functionalized DNA molecules for immobilization of the aforementioned protein line-features.
Portable Printing Devices for protein micro-cntact printing.
Leadership Team
Platformina was incorporated by three biotechnology and biophysics professionals: Dr. Marijonas Tutkus, Dr. Mindaugas Zaremba, and Aurimas Kopūstas.

Marijonas Tutkus
Chief Executive Officer, Founder
Mindaugas Zaremba
Aurimas Kopūstas
FounderContact Us
We are happy to help you find the best solution for your research.